Happy New Year!

Today, I am starting my 50th year of life, and have spent this past week contemplating, evaluating, and planning.  Life does not always go the way we plan, but I love that I can trust that God has ordered our steps.  He has blessed our efforts to seek an serve Him as individuals and as a family.  He is currently restoring a painful relationship that is very important to me.  It is hard to trust people after being hurt by them, but I can trust God to lead me the direction He has for me, and in that I can trust Him to protect and heal my heart as I walk with Him.

2015 has been a year of healing through detoxification, chiropractic care, nutritional therapy, prayer/meditation, and essential oils.  Using an ionic foot bath, it’s been exciting to be able to visually see the amount of toxins excreted during each session decrease to nearly none.  The next step is to revisit the detoxification program my functional medicine doctor sold me in 2014.  I did not respond well to it at the time, and it will be interesting to see how I respond now that my toxic load is less, and my detox pathways are supported.  My response will determine what 2016 holds.

The plan for 2016 was for me to go back to work this month. I have been consistent with my morning prayer and study time, health routine, and housework.  It’s been hit and miss with a light homeschooling plan and a flexible volunteer job.  I still occasionally need complete days to rest and recuperate.  I’ve been entertaining thoughts of learning to homestead rather than look for employment.   One way or another, we plan to pay off the debt this year from my healthcare expenses and decreased income. If we can’t do that through creative budgeting and homesteading, then off to work I’ll go.

I am being encouraged spiritually and in our homeschooling efforts through a ministry named Lifestyle of Learning.   This online ministry is providing encouraging Godly relationships that help me grow and equip me to lead my children in the ways of God.  I feel very blessed by it.